General Question

If you would like to advise for free your venue and special events or offers to adults aged between 18 to 30 please register at

Please fill in the Registration details and select Vendor

Once completed you will receive a Register user Successfully email
In the email there will be two links, the first will enable you to set up your password and the second will take you to the main site

Once completed you will be able to log in to your venue management page where you will be able to edit your profile and create new events.

Please check out our “how to” videos

If you would like to become a member of 18230, please register at

Please fill in the Registration details and select Customer

Once completed you will receive a Register user Successfully email
In the email there will be two links, the first will enable you to set up your password and the second will take you to the main site

Once completed you will be able to log in to your profile page where you will be able to edit your profile and see your events.

Please check out our “how to” videos

Where possible all events will be shared on 18230 Facebook, twitter and Instagram pages

Manage Event

Links to be added soon

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